On this blog we discuss a variety of topics related to the research interests of our Complex Physical and Social Systems group in Vilnius University Faculty of Physics Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy. We try to cover research done by us as well as related research carried out by other groups from around the world. The considered topics are rather well encompassed by the term Physics of Risk, hence the name and the logo (it imitates the phrase "more physics, less risk") of this blog. Originally this term was a title of EU COST project, which ran from 2004 to 2008 (two members of our group were part of this project).
This blog was created while executing EU structural fund project "Mokslas. Mokslininkai. Visuomenė." (en. "Science. Scientists. Society."; ran from 2006 to 2008) and further extended during Inogeb-1 project "Mokslas verslui ir visuomenei" (en. "Science for business and society"; ran from 2009 to 2011). During these projects articles for this blog were written by various members of our group, as well as by some authors who no longer work with us - V. Daniūnas, M. Alaburda, T. Meškauskas.
We are part of the mokslasplius.lt website portal.
Currently this blog is maintaned by Aleksejus Kononovicius.
Members of our Complex Physical and Social Systems group

Current members
- dr. Vygintas Gontis (head of the group)
- dr. Rytis Kazakevičius
- dr. Aleksejus Kononovicius
- dr. Viktor Novičenko (associated member)
- prof. habil. dr. Bronislovas Kaulakys (affiliated member)
- dr. Dalia Šatkovskienė (affiliated member)
Former members
- dr. Julius Ruseckas
- dr. V. Juknevičius
- dr. M. Alaburda
- dr. T. Meškauskas
- V. Daniūnas
If you want to use content presented on this blog
You may do so according to CC-BY-NC license. Simply put - you may use or modify it, as long as you do so for non-commercial purpose and as long as you appropriately attribute (refer/link to) this blog.
If in doubt, please contact the blog maintainer.
Source files used to generate this blog are stored on GitHub (see https://github.com/physrisk/website-source).
If you have noticed an error
You could contact the blog maintainer, write us via Facebook message (our Facebook page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/physics.risk/) or use proper GitHub tools (links to repositories can be found in the paragraphs above or in the sidebar).