
#interactive #video #agent-based models #economics #statistics #opinion dynamics #general #statistical physics #financial markets #stochastic models #politics #voter model #postdoctoral project #A. Kononovicius #networks #1/f noise #V. Gontis #game theory #Kirman model #sociology #popular culture #biology #fractals #methods #Numberphile #spectral density #competition #free market #conflicts #traffic #epidemiology #macroeconomics #dynamical chaos #burst statistics #market price #kinetic models #students #sports #Brownian motion #gross domestic product #paradox #wealth #conference #topic: price formation #topic: ARFIMA #order book #supply and demand #J. Ruseckas #marketing #Colonel Blotto game #cellular automata #Fourier transform #Extra Credits #Ising model #Barabasi-Albert model #scale-free network #github #Poisson process #Zipf's law #anomalous diffusion #data science #bounded confidence #economic convergence #Matlab #standupmaths #B. Kaulakys #Python #SciShow #Bass model #small world #inequality #Erdos-Renyi model #FiveThirtyEight #open access #compartmental voter model #white noise #R. Kazakevicius #V. Daniunas #random telegraph noise #VU FF #topic: dating apps #Levy processes #time series models #purchasing power parity #purchasing power standard #multifractality #Wolfram CDF #board games #DeGroot model #Veritasium #complex systems #shot noise #point process #3Blue1Brown #cobweb model #talent vs luck #Sznajd model #Baltic countries #World Bank #DNews #Eurostat #internet #coursera #CEV process #FuturICT #IFISC #ritvikmath #Fermi-Dirac statistics #Lorentzian #Lotka-Volterra #ageing #language #percolation #self-organized criticality #quantum mechanics #Latane social impact theory #Wisecrack #Reed-Hughes mechanism #Schelling model #magnetism #Walrasian Market #D. Ariely #facebook #actual individual consumption #prisoner's dilemma #Java #R. Shiller #history #control #ARCH process #K. Acus #Science for business and society #Markov chains #mathemaniac #DPG #LNFK #videos #SoME2021 #linear algebra #Axelrod model #Granovetter model #Worldometer #median voter theorem #classical mechanics #L-system #convolution #Seeker #Netflix #Amazon #Vilnius University #Lithuania #H. Fry #Bayesian statistics #hot hand #One Minute Physics #Mokslo Sriuba #China #euro #T. Piketty #N. Hanauer #StatPlanet #nontransitivity #A. L. Barabasi #I. Kazakevicius #Bessel process #CIR process #VU MIF #COST MP0801 #P. Purlys #evolution #Lasplagas #bias #M. San Miguel #synchronization #emergence #Financial Times #A. Zucconi #J. Kvedaravičius #Coding Train #queuing theory #Last Theory #philosophy #D. Sumpter #A. Hajimiri #Nobel prize #Iain Explains #A. Downey #SciPy conference #central limit theorem #Tifo Football #machine learning #CGP Grey #Tom Rocks Maths #vcubingx #fractional calculus #Social Complexity #TLDR News US #back-projection method #simulated annealing #Benford law #ECLT #Two Cents #Primer #Khan Academy #The Royal Institution #Google #bloomberg #Above the Noise #diamond social response model #J. P. Bouchaud #M. Sigman #crowd wisdom #ASAPScience #Y. N. Harari #Crash Course #protectionism #mercantilism #This Place #culture #math #Twitch #Epstein model #psychology #J.-B. Michel #S. Gourley #S. Anholt #Wired #S. Wernicke #VU MII #kickstarter #N. Perony #P. Krugman #economic growth #S. Žižek #Boston Lithuanian School #C. Hommes #R. Wilkinson #D. Helbing #Baltic-American Freedom Foundation #Boston University #D. Cobley #geology #B. Mandelbrot #K. Chen #Estonia #J. Krause #Bzn start #D. Moyo #E. X. Li #Big Mac Index #The Economist #INET #V. Yakovenko #A. Laskey #Pinigų karta #A. Tapinas #Discovery Science #Gontis #N. de Condorcet #Science for the Public #stochastic block model #D. Sornette #J. B. Glattfelder #ICNF #WEHIA #STICS #chemistry #PhD Comics #EconoPhysics Forum #F. de Waal #K. Staliunas #Monte Carlo #UPoN #Open Readings #S. Reimann #M. Alaburda #ICCGI