
We are always happy to accept contributed texts from external authors. Especially if the texts are written in good English, readable to common folk and accompanied by interactive material (a video, an interactive figure or a model).

Rough quality guidelines

  • Topics should fall into the scope of Physics of Risk. Anything related to Statistical Physics, Econophysics or Sociophysics is welcome. Some other topics (e.g., Data Science, Machine Learning) might also be interesting in the scope of Physics of Risk.
  • Texts should be written in English. We do not provide editing services, as our English might be worse than yours.
  • The length of texts is not strictly limited. Though it would preferable that longer texts (e.g., longer than 3 or 4 pages) would be split into a couple of self-containing parts.
  • Texts should be readable to common folk. This is not always possible for some topics and also for shorter texts, in such case please aim for third or fourth year students with a decent grasp of basic statistics, math, physics and programming.
  • Texts should always have references to the original content. References to additional material (e.g., clarifying terms) are also welcome.

Rough technical guidelines

  • Text should be written in Markdown or plain text format. Please refrain from using HTML tags unless absolutely necessary. Note that we use Pelican to produce HTML code from Markdown files, anything compatible will be fine.
  • You can also send texts in rich text formats (e.g., rtf, doc or odt), but note that in this case we keep the right to strip excessive styling.
  • Please keep the figures reasonably sized (width no larger than 1200px). We recommend using jpeg or png formats.
  • Formulas should be written in standard LaTeX. Refrain from using custom commands or obscure packages. Note that we use MathJax to show formulas, anything compatible should be fine.
  • Custom interactive bits will be presented in iframes or as links. Here we recommend using HTML and JavaScript (also its libraries), but any reasonably popular client-side web technology will be grudgingly accepted.
  • If you want to add video content, you will have to upload it to youtube, vimeo or other similar services (we do not store videos on our server). In this case just provide the link in the text.
  • Below the text a list of references to scientific material should be present. The references should be ordered in the same order they appear in text. References should be formatted consistently and provide reasonable amount of information (list of authors, a title of the referenced text, information on where and when the referenced text was published or could be found).
  • In text itself please use square brackets to reference a listed text (e.g., "as was discussed in [6]"). Note that in some cases a simple link to material could be more appropriate. Do not use scientific referencing for everything.


If you are willing to submit content, please contact the blog maintainer. Texts will be reviewed by the blog maintainer and might not be accepted if they violate the guidelines or in some other (not listed) edge cases. After review the contributions will be published under the same license as other content on Physics of Risk blog (CC-BY-NC).

If you have noticed an error

You could report your finding to the blog maintainer, write us via Facebook message (our Facebook page can be found at or use proper GitHub tools (links to repositories can be found in the sidebar).