Colonel Blotto game with varied troop count

In an earlier post we have seen basic framework behind the Colonel Blotto game. We have assumed both warlords are equal in their strength, and that the castles are identical and of equal value. So, there are at least two obvious ways to generalize the game. In this post let us consider what happens when warlords differ in their troop count. Does the weaker warlord even have a chance? How can the stronger warlord make use of their superior strength?

Originally, I haven't planned on writing this post, but when doing research for the upcoming post, I have stumbled upon [1]. The paper instructs on optimal strategies for the two-battlefield Colonel Blotto games, which lead to certain conclusions I haven't touched upon in the previous post. Refer to the paper, if you want to get a more mathematically rigorous analysis, or if you want to see what lies beyond the standard asymmetric two-battlefield case I'll write about in this post.

General setup

In this post, we examine the conflict between two generals, one named Blotto and the other named Enemy, each commanding a different number of troops. This enables the stronger warlord to dominate in most conflicts; however, if the weaker warlord commits their troops carefully, they can occasionally manage to force a stalemate by capturing one of the two castles.

Few quick side notes: Here, it is important to clarify that by "optimally" I mean strategies which would be Nash equilibrium strategies. Also, in our analysis we will consider Blotto commanding more troops than Enemy, \( B \geq E \).

The trivial case

So, first let us consider a trivial case when \( E \leq B / 2 \). In this case, Colonel Blotto could simply assign \( B / 2 \) troops to each of the castles. In the worst case scenario Blotto would win one castle, and face stalemate in the other, while still winning the overall war.

This trivial case leads us to a few important conclusions. The first one is that you don't need all the troops to win the war. You can keep some troops as a reserve and still come out on top.

Another important take away is that, if you are the weaker side, you should increase number of battlefields (castles) you fight over. If there would be three battlefields, then having an army twice your size would not matter. Your opponent would need to have thrice as many troops as you have.

This leads to another important insight: offense is the best defense. How come? Not all conflicts aim for complete and immediate victory. For example, guerrilla forces focus on achieving a series of small local victories to gradually weaken their enemy over time. Terrorist groups frequently aim to instill fear and provoke outrage locally, leveraging these emotions to deter certain behaviors or diminish legitimacy of the ruling regime. These groups are fine with winning just one "castle". To defend all "castles" properly the stronger "warlord" needs to have a huge advantage. So the stronger "warlord" would be better off not defending, but attacking their opponent. Though, obviously, it is not always possible.


If Enemy has a bit more troops, things quickly become more complicated. If \( B / 2 < E \leq 2/3\cdot B \), then Blotto no longer has a safe way to win the war.

Obvious strategy for Blotto, would be to try to send \( E \) soldiers to a one castle, and at least \( E / 2 \) troops to the other. To avoid the risks of being predictable, Blotto would randomly select a primary target, e.g., by flipping a coin.

Enemy would prefer to know which castle Blotto has allocated fewer troops to, as this would allow for an effective mismatch. However, lacking this information, the best strategy for Enemy is to randomly select a castle to heavily reinforce with the majority of their troops, while sending only a token force (if any) to the other.

If Enemy is even stronger, then the logic becomes much more complicated, as it involves progressively more and more layers of "what my opponent thinks I think ...". For these cases a simple graphical algorithm can be used to find the higher order partitions.

Graphical algorithm

To use the graphical algorithm first we need to plot resource constraints of both warlords. The only constraint in our specific scenario is the total amount of troops: no warlord may assign more troops to the castles than they actually have available. If values on x-axis represent troop count assigned to the first castle, and values on y-axis represent troop count assigned to the second castle, then the resource constraint curves for both warlords will be a straight diagonal lines. These lines plot all possible pairs of solutions to:

\begin{equation} x+y=T. \end{equation}

In the above \( T \) is the total troop count in the warlord's army. The equality is strict if we assume that warlords use all their troops and put nothing in reserve. If there is a point for warlord to keep some troops in reserve, then we could replace \( = \) sign with \( \leq \) sign.

Now when we have plotted resource constraint lines, we can make use of the graphical algorithm. The graphical algorithm is essentially a three-step process:

  1. Vertical line is drawn from \( (E, 0) \). Each time it intersects any diagonal line representing resource constraints of a warlord, we rotate it 90 degrees alternating between counterclockwise and clockwise rotations (so that we see snaking curve, which looks like reflections between two mirror surfaces). Every other rotation, we not only reflect but also extend the "ray" towards the axes. We repeat the procedure until the reflected "ray" finally leaves the graph.
  2. Now we start from \( (0, E) \) by drawing a horizontal line. As before we follow the same "reflection" logic.
  3. At this point we will have \( n \) triangles below Enemy's (weaker warlord) resource constraint line and \( 2 n - 1 \) triangles below Blotto's resource constraint line. Enemy will play inside those \( n \) triangles, while Blotto will pick those triangles (exactly \( n \) of them), which do not overlap with Enemy's triangles on any axis.

It sounds somewhat daunting and complicated, but it is not if you get the gist of it. For more details on the algorithm see the section 4.3 in [1]. Here, we invite you to experiment with the interactive graph app below.

Interactive graph app

The app below illustrates Nash equilibrium strategies by relying on the logic of the graphical algorithm. The default troop counts in the app are tuned to the \( B / 2 < E \leq 2/3\cdot B \) case we have discussed in detail earlier in this post. Though you may want to change the troop count to see the other possible strategic partitions. You could even make Enemy stronger than our titular Blotto!

As in the article [1], we have shaded the triangles representing the warlords' Nash equilibrium strategies. Although we haven't specifically distinguished between them, a careful reader will notice that the triangles below the resource allocation curve correspond to each warlord's optimal play strategy.

Interactive game app

Besides exploring the strategy graph above, you could also try playing against computer who uses Nash equilibrium strategies. This app is mostly similar to the app from the earlier post, but with an important difference - there are just two castles now!

Also, playing a lot of games against the computer will be somewhat hard, as you are expected to randomize, so we have added "relinquish control" checkbox. If you tick it, then the computer will play against itself.

Though note, that if you set a proper fixed allocation (which would be a part of mixed Nash equilibrium strategy), your record will still be similar to the automated computer's record. This is because the opponent you are playing against is dumb in a sense. All they know is mixed equilibrium strategy, and they won't react to you playing the same thing over and over again. But, this (adaptability) is another topic for another time.


  • S. T. Macdonell, N. Mastronardi. Waging simple wars: a complete characterization of two-battlefield Blotto equilibria. Economic Theory 58: 183-216 (2015). doi: 10.1007/s00199-014-0807-1.