#popular culture archive

March 22, 2022
Stand-up Maths: How lucky is too lucky?
October 26, 2021
Numberphile: Statistics, storks, and babies
September 14, 2021
Numberphile: Math of being a pig
March 09, 2021
Wisecrack: Billionaires: What went wrong?
January 29, 2021
TLDR News US on How Reddit broke the stock market?
January 12, 2021
Wisecrack: Predictions: What went wrong?
December 29, 2020
Numberphile: Hat Problems
December 01, 2020
Stand-up Maths: Do these scatter plots reveal fraudulent vote-switching in Michigan?
November 17, 2020
Stand-up Maths: Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?
September 22, 2020
Two Cents: Is the Stock Market Irrational?
February 04, 2020
J. Rogers: How not to fall for Bad Statistics
January 21, 2020
Wisecrack: How platforms own you
December 10, 2019
When education becomes the last priority...
December 04, 2018
Extra Credits: The Game of Elections
October 09, 2018
Berkson's paradox
June 12, 2018
Y. N. Harari: Why fascism is so tempting - and how your data could power it
April 10, 2018
Extra Credits: DayZ - Tragedy of the Commons
December 08, 2015
DNews: Why all hipsters look the same?
January 27, 2014
A. Laskey: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill
December 09, 2013
"You are much more predictable than you think..."
December 31, 2012
Teaching math in a different way
November 05, 2012
Hurricane Sandy
September 03, 2012
Fractals in pork!
April 30, 2012
Music, point processes and 1/f noise
February 20, 2012
What is inside my head?
February 13, 2012
Aleksejus Kononovicius: Fractale - anime on fractals