Conference "Science for business and society"

On the 25th of October, 2011 conference dedicated to the project Science for business and society will be held at hall in the Vilnius University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (A. Goštauto g. 12 - 432, Vilnius). This conference will mark ending of the currently ongoing project behind the Physics of Risk website. Main focus of this conference will be presentation of achieved results and discussion between business and scientists.

Dr. V. Gontis will give a talk on Models of Risk in Economics and Finance (lt. Rizikos ekonomikoje ir finansuose vertinimo modeliai). According to the conference program talk should be given around 12:25. While the opening talk will be given by another person related to Physics of Risk - V. Daniunas will give a talk on Project "Science for business and society" and its innovations (lt. Projektas „Mokslas verslui ir visuomenei“ ir jo inovatyvios žinios).

Attendance is free, though note that all talks will be given in Lithuanian. Also note that you must inform organizers about your attendance before 24th of October, 2011 by email.

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