Schelling's segregation model

Around 1970 American economist Tom Schelling published couple well cited articles in which he tried to explain racial segregation observed in larger cities in US [1]. He tried to comprehend how and why racial neighborhoods were forming and becoming so prominent. He wanted to know if ubiquitous racial segregation is caused by rising racial tensions or the same result might be present in a rather tolerant society.

Thesis defense of A. Kononovicius


On December 18th contributor of Physics of Risk Aleksejus Kononovicius will defend his PhD thesis "Applications of Statistical Physics in Modeling of Financial Markets and Social Processes" (to obtain doctoral degree in Physics). The defense will start at 14 o'clock at the hall of VU Confucius Institute (A. Goštauto st. 12 - 432, 01108 Vilnius).