Download rates of our open-access review
Previously, approximately 2 years ago, we have written that we published a review of our works [1] in a book by open-access publisher. Recently we discovered that during the recent two and a half years this books was downloaded almost 7000 times (namely 8 times per day). It was downloaded by the people all around the world - with the USA, China, India, Japan, Germany being the most active countries in the process. It is an excellent result!
While being happy with excellent "diffusion" of our ideas via open-access publisher, we would also like to speak about the improving statistics of the Physics of Risk website. In 2012 we expect to be visited 12 thousand times! It is slightly better than in 2011, in which we had 11 thousand visits. Improvement is small, yet promising a bright future.
More on Physics of Risk stats
Unlike the last year we do not observe a seasonality in the visitor statistics - only the summer is relatively low activity period. Also unlike the last year Windows 7 is the most popular OS (last year it was Windows XP). Some other things have remained unchanged - Firefox is still the most popular browser, Google - the most used search engine, main portal of the MVV project - the best referrer, article on Ising model - the most read article. The other popular articles included the discussion on the multifractality of time series and the article on the Newton-Raphson method. It is worthwhile to mention the article on elementary automatons, which has recently received "extended" international attention (it is referenced in the article by a certain Chinese blogger).
We have also finally received some input by our readers! Do not be afraid to post more replies! Well, and thank You.
- V. Gontis, J. Ruseckas, A. Kononovicius. A Non-linear Stochastic Model of Return in Financial Markets. In: Stochastic Control, ed. C. Myers. InTech, 2010. doi: 10.5772/9748.