Anomalous diffusion in non-linear transformation of voter model

Lets continue the topic of anomalous diffusion by considering my recent manuscript together with R. Kazakevicius [1]. In the said manuscript we have considered two different non-linear transformations of the noisy voter model. Here we present you with non-linear transformation of the observable.

"Hidden" noisy voter model for the parliamentary presence

In an earlier post we have defined the parliamentary presence and shown that the data from Brazilian and Lithuanian parliaments exhibits anomalous diffusion. Actually we have analyzed Lithuanian data [1], while Brazilian data was considered by Vieira and others [2]. Also in a follow up post we have shown that a noisy voter model is able to reproduce ballistic regime and normal diffusion when we consider individual agent trajectories. Now let us extend the model to account for sub-linear diffusion of parliamentary attendance.

Noisy voter model for the parliamentary presence

In a previous post we have defined the parliamentary presence and shown that the data from Brazilian and Lithuanian parliaments exhibits anomalous diffusion. Actually we have analyzed Lithuanian data [1], while Brazilian data was considered by Vieira and others [2]. This time let me constructed a voter model to replicate the observations.

TLDR News US on How Reddit broke the stock market?

Big investors borrowed lots of GameStop stocks in anticipation that the price will drop (they "shorted" the stock). But the price did not drop. The big investors "shorted" further expecting that other market participants would follow suit in selling GameStop stocks. They didn't and then trolls from reddit joined the fray...

No one knows when and how this will end, but some people on reddit will earn a lot. While some big capital investors will hopefully loose a lot and learn a lesson.

Detailed explanation of what is happening in the following video by the TLDR News US.