Future of Java applets and How to launch Java applets?
When we started to work on "Physics of Risk" Java platform was extremely popular way to show interactive material to readers online. Though this technology is still rather popular, but there is a significant challenge for amateurs working with it. Since the previous glorious days Java platform has become less secure and thus more paranoid. As the time moves on newer Java Runtime Environment versions start require applets to be certified. Certificates are not that cheap and thus not accessible to amateur programers.
The good news is that HTML5 standard has becoming more popular on web and that it also offers presentation of interactive content via Javascript. Thus we plan to migrate most of the old Java applets to this emerging technology. These new HTML5 applets should work in all modern web browsers as the implementation of HTML5 by the most popular modern browsers was started a few years ago. Therefore we do not expect any problems occurring to you, our readers.
In the mean time, we present a list of articles, which include old Java applets, and also provide a detailed instruction on how to launch Java applets.