Colors of Noise

What is white, pink, "brown" and even black? It is around us every day and usually is very useful. Yet from time to time it annoys us and sometimes we even call police to keep it in check? The answer to this quite complex, as it is oriented towards people with physics background, question is unbelievably simple. Noise possesses all of the aforementioned qualities!

Special cases of the stochastic differential equation reproducing 1/f noise

Considerable part of stochastic models available on Physics of Risk website (ex., Agent based herding model of financial markets or Long-range memory stochastic model of return) are related to the general class of stochastic differential equations derived by our group [1, 2]. The general form of this class is the following stochastic differential equation:

\begin{equation} \mathrm{d} x = \left(\eta - \frac{\lambda}{2} \right)x^{2 \eta -1} \mathrm{d} t + x^\eta \mathrm{d} W . \label{sde} \end{equation}

In our talks at various scientific events and on Physics of Risk itself we frequently say that this equation also encompasses other widely known stochastic processes. Thus further in this text we will show some of the relations between this class and some widely known stochastic processes.

EURO 2012 starts next week

EURO 2012 starts next week in Vilnius! EURO 2012, European Conference on Operational Research, is huge scientific event popular both among scientists and businessmen. Operational research tackles very challenging, and thus scientifically interesting, and highly applicable topics. Some of these topics overlap with the ones we discuss here on Physics of Risk - financial market modeling, risk management and analysis, decision making. Many reports will also consider logistics, optimization and network analysis.

On of our authors will join numerous scientists from Lithuania and abroad giving talks in the conference. On Monday, the 9th of July, he will give a talk on "Herding behavior of agents as a background of financial fluctuations", Our works on the applications of Kirman model will be the key point of the talk.