Riddler's football playoff
This week we will take a look at another Riddler's Classic puzzle. The problem for December 9th, 2022 invites us to take a look at a particular stochastic football tournament.
Numberphile: A Hairy Problem
In this Numberphile video Ben Sparks asks a seemingly trivial question - what is probability to find two people in London, which would have the same number of hair on their head? 1! Lets exclude bald people. 0? Are you sure?
Won't be teaching Matlab!
Picky-shy model of dating apps
This is the final post (at least for the foreseeable future) on the statistical physics of dating apps [1]. In this post we will introduce two types of the users: some of them will be picky (giving likes predominantly to more attractive users), while some of them will be shy (giving likes predominantly to less attractive users). Who is more successful?