B. Kaulakys: Nobel prize 2021: Laureates and their research

A member of our research group gave a talk on Nobel prize awarded in 2021 at 45th Lithuanian National Physics Conference. Habil. dr. B. Kaulakys talked about the research for which the prize was awarded and how this research relates to works by Lithuanian physicists (mostly our group) and mathematicians. We invite you to watch it, but note that the recording is in Lithuanian. The slides, also in Lithuanian, are available here.

Recording was made by the organizers of the conference. The full recording of the special session is available on the Facebook page of Faculty of Physics at Vilnius University. See this post, if you are interested.

PSD of a point process with non-exponential inter-event times

In the previous post we have seen that the Poisson process generates white noise, which is not unexpected consequence of exponential distribution being a limit of geometric distribution. So, if we use non-exponential inter-event time distribution, we introduce memory into the process. As the distribution of inter-event times is no longer exponential, we now have not a Poisson process, but a point process.

PSD of a Poisson process

Earlier we have started talking about the Poisson processes. In the few posts before the summer holidays we have driven our discussion towards waiting time paradox, which is an interesting phenomenon we encounter in our day-to-day lives. Here, on Physics of Risk we have an interest in colors of noise exhibited by variety of stochastic processes. Thus in the next few posts let us examine the power spectral density of the Poisson process.