Previously we have discussed ant colony model [1, 2] (see Kirman's agent
model of ant colony), which is an interesting example of applying
knowledge obtained from one field to another. Human (ex., trader in the
financial markets) crowd behavior is ideologically quite similar to the
behavior in ant colonies, thus the success and relevancy of the
aforementioned model were to be expected. Though the key to success lies
in the description of large number of entities.
Interestingly enough one can also create, and thus provide additional
backing for the argument above, a successful model for human crowd
behavior using classical models of statistical physics as an
inspiration. In this text we will discuss agent-based spin model of the
financial markets proposed by Bornholdt [3, 4], which is based on widely known Ising
Despite the fact that Ising model models inanimate system, natural
interactions are introduced by assuming two different types of
interactions between the agents - local herding (local feromagnetic
interaction) and global minority game (coupling with total magnetic
field generated by whole lattice).
Bornholdt's model is also interesting as recently there were some
attempts to propose macro treatment of the original agent-based model
[5]. Previously similar thing was done with
Kirman's model [2].